You are all God's children through faith in Christ Jesus.
All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
Galatians 3:26-27 CEB
It would seem that in the church Paul was writing to there was a lot of energy going into judging if someone was a what we would call a Christian - God's children.
It's not ethnicity or religion or what rules we've kept or haven't kept, but faith in Jesus.
That's it.
Have you put your faith in Jesus?
Then we're clothed with Jesus, He is our uniform, our marker, our protection, our comfort. It's faith in Jesus that gets us clothed & covered.
I have this inclination to add things to Faith in Jesus, an "and" or "but" or a "then you must", but Paul is asking me here to resist that.
Faith in Jesus.
This not only leads to a radical acceptance of others, but the really radical acceptance of ourselves, in all our humanness and limitations and frailties.
Faith in Jesus is enough, that is the step towards fully aliveness, because we are Beloved.
#faithinJesus #fullyaliveness #weareBeloved
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