Galatians 3:26 CEB
You are all God's children through faith in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26 CEB
The Galatian Church had false teaching creeping in & Paul was standing against it. He was reminding the Galatians that it's not bloodline that makes you right with God, and it's not some strict adherence to the law either, but it's faith in Jesus.
No matter what our story includes the work Jesus did for us is enough.
No matter what our bloodline, where we were born, brought up, whether we even know who our parents are or not, no matter who we are, it's faith in Jesus that makes us right with God.
Does that seem too easy?
And yet there were people who literally walked around with Jesus, saw the miracles, who didn't put their faith in Him.
It can be difficult to give up my faith that if I just do enough, am "good" enough, give up my faith in me and place it in Jesus.
In our churches there is quite an emphasis on "making a step of faith" or that moment of choice, but this letter is written to Christians, in church, so it points to more of an ongoing process, a re-placing our faith in Jesus.
This verse is a great anchor for us as Christians in those times when our faith wavers, our belief wavers, thoughts and emotions push in with different messages...remember, we are God's children through faith in Jesus.
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