Galatians 3:29 CEB
Now if you belong to Christ, then indeed you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:29 CEB
So now the promises God made, the covenant, has been expanded and we're all included.
By faith in Jesus we all now whakapapa to Abraham.
Paul couldn't be clearer to his readers that the distinctions that they were being taught to maintain between Jews whose bloodlines traced back to Abraham, and "Gentiles" who didn't, those distinctions are swept away.
We're all included in God's promises.
We're all heirs now.
All included.
There's a release from the burden of the law.
There's letting go of things that are no longer needed to make them right with God.
As we sit with those ideas today, what is it that our God might be inviting you to let go of today?
Something that's a barrier to wholeness with Him?
What could He be inviting us to release today?
#faithinJesus #fullyaliveness #weareBeloved
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