Sunday Psalms;
Psalms 119:105-107 CEB
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Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey.
I have sworn, and I fully mean it:
I will keep your righteous rules.
I have been suffering so much - LORD, make me live again according to your promise.
Psalms 119:105-112 CEB
This beautiful idea of the lamp & light is actually written in the context of suffering, of affliction, of being stuck, down, depressed.
When we're in darkness is when we need light.
When everything seems black we need a lamp, to get a glimpse of the next step. It's there that we need the reminder that there still is light, that it exists.
The word "anah" carries this meaning of afflict, oppress, depress, and to respond. And the reposnse is what the psalmist is doing here:
coming back to what is True.
When it feels like we're stuck in the dark, the world is against us, we need something solid, a path, and light to get us there.
Here's 2 of mine:
Ephesians 1:4-14
God has seen you in all he meant you to be since before time, chosen you, adopted you, and already prepared an inheritance for you. You are Beloved.
Romans 8
Nothing, nothing, nothing can separate us from God's love.
Galatians 3
It's all about Jesus and faith in Him
It's Truth that sets us free, rekindles the light, & in that light we can take the next step
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