Sunday Psalms:
S. Samek.
Sustain me according to your word so I can live! Don't let me be put to shame because of hope.
Psalms 119:116 CEB
This word for "live" is "chayah" which has this meaning if being alive, revived, restoring life.
What is it that drains us of life?
These psalms and songs aren't written to an individual, but to a community, and it's in the context of relationships with others that shame appears, and it's in community that we are restored and healed.
In this verse God's word is "imrah", what is said.
What does God say about you and to you?
He says that you're made for relationship.
Made in His image.
Made to create and flourish in the place God has made.
Made to be known and loved by Him
David says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
What God says speaks Life and sustains, revives, removes shame.
And He calls us to be his hands and feet in this world, to speak life, to sustain and revive, and as we love one another, serve one another, commune together, shame loses its power.
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