Then Jesus said to his disciples,
"I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
I'll say it again - it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"
Matthew 19:23-24 NLT
The rich person who had come to Jesus, it seems knowing who he was, was doing all the right things to get eternal life, knew that there was something else missing.
He was incomplete.
Because something else had captured his heart - for him it was wealth.
And Jesus repeats this teaching he must've told his disciples before about camels and needles and just how difficult, impossible it is, for us, people, humans, to give up all the things that capture our hearts.
We're all rich.
None of us can squeeze thru the eye of the needle.
Cos if we could, we would be able to redeem ourselves, save ourselves, be holy ourselves.
I think this story is about teaching the disciples (& us) about Grace, about God Himself making the way, making the eye of the needle big enough for us to walk through, not from our achieving something, but because of what Jesus knew was just around the corner for him.
The cross.
Grace is Enough.
Jesus knows all about our humanness and loves us.
Loves you.
And Love Wins.
#love wins
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