The Holy Spirit is the down payment on our inheritance, which is applied toward our redemption as God's own people, resulting in the honor of God's glory.
Ephesians 1:14 CEB
But wait there's more!
There's a Bigger Story going on here of which we get a part of now, a deposit, a down payment, but there's more to come!
And our redemption story is all part of it, part of our God being glorified, made bigger.
In a world that can seem so incomplete, with lives that seem unredeemable, problems that seem unsolvable, hurts that seem unhealble, there is a Bigger Story being written, and we're part of it.
As we lean into God's Spirit, and allow Him to lean into us, hope becomes a little more tangible.
As we reconnect with God's creation, with one another, with the deeper parts of ourselves, we connect more and more to this Bigger Story, and know that we are held, and that we are Beloved.
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