Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking,
it is impossible.
But with God
everything is possible."
Matthew 19:26 NLT
Jesus's students (the disciples) had just heard the interaction with the man who kept all the rules and still felt incomplete.
They'd just heard Jesus talk about camels and needles, and their question was;
"Then who in the world can be saved?"
They were starting to understand that its not their actions that make them right with God, it's His.
They're starting to understand that they're loved because they're people.
They're starting to understand the mission Jesus is on that turns so much of what they knew upside down.
The Kingdom is not reliant on them doing enough, doing more, being perfect, meeting requirements or expectations, but on God making himself small enough, stepping towards us, holding out his hand for us to grasp. It's about the King giving Himself.
He is doing the Impossible.
And Jesus is the only one who knows what is just around the corner for him, and also knows that is the Way.
Tim Keller used to talk of giving up our self salvation projects. That's what Jesus is telling his team, you can't do this, but I'm right here.
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