A trustworthy person will receive many blessings,
but one rushing to get rich will not go unpunished.
Proverbs 27:20 CJB
This proverb seems to go along Ok until we get to the last word. How does the idea of blessing vs punishment work?
The Hebrew word here is "naqah" which according to Bible Hub means "to be empty, or clean". This word is used about cities being plundered or cleaned out, about being free from guilt or punishment. It seems to mean that choosing to live a life chasing after wealth as a priority has an impact on relationships (they are not as trustworthy - their focus and priority is not on people) and it has consequences that are not mirrored by the person who prioritises being trustworthy.
We can put some modern context around this (like how does this play out at work), but Proverbs is about the heart, about what's happening in me.
When I'm trustworthy, there's blessings that flow.
When I'm rushing to achieve some goal, my relationships suffer.
I'm wondering this morning what it might mean to be trustworthy to ourselves?
Where am I "my own worst enemy"?
Are there practices that I know would be helpful to me that I don't follow?
Am I living with integrity to my values (or rushing around trying to be how others want me to be?)
What needs to shift in me today?
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