You cannot separate fools from their foolishness, even though you grind them like grain with mortar and pestle.
Proverbs 27:22 NLT
A fool in Proverbs is someone who mocks wisdom, who rejects direction & instruction.
There is hope in the work of grinding grain that you can get to the good and useful parts.
With a fool, someone entrenched in their own wisdom, the person who wants to stay there, it seems impossible to get to the good, to "fix" a fool, to make them "see the light" or the folly of the path that they're taking. It's a reality check on the human heart.
But if Proverbs is a heart thing, and rather than a weapon to use on others it's a view into what might be in me, then what are the ways that I am so entrenched in that are foolish?
Where do I mock wisdom?
Where do I reject direction & instruction?
Where are the places that my heart needs to be softened towards our God who loves?
What do I know is true about being beloved by God, but won't allow it to be true for me?
(God's grace is enough for everyone, except me).
Where have people spoken wisdom and life and hope and faith into my life and I ignore it, reject it?
What do I continue to do even though its harmful to me or someone I care about?
Where am I the fool wedded to their own foolishness?
We're all human, and we all have stuff to work on, and just as grain can be softened, so can we.
Will I allow my heart to be softened by our God's love and grace?
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