Sunday Psalms:
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
Psalms 30:11-12 NLT
What a roller coaster of a song this is!
It starts with rescue, victory & healing.
There's God's love, a glimpse of his anger, and how sorrow never has the final say.
And then in the middle it's like God has turned his back. At least that's what it feels like, and David is back in despair, crying out to God, pleading with him.
And then this bit at the end, where maybe there's a more realistic view of God, of life, of suffering, it's like his relationship with God is on a new footing, where the victories and defeats of this life don't indicate how God loves, and don't indicate your worth or value.
Maybe your ready to hear that God wants to take away those "clothes of mourning", maybe your not there yet, or maybe you know what that means in your life.
This Psalm shows the way we want God to just rescue us, and how He has something more, something more deeply transformative for us.
Let's give up just a little more to Him today, trusting He has something better for us to wear.
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