Like adding charcoal to embers or wood to fire, quarrelsome people kindle strife.
Proverbs 26:21 CEB
There's been times in my life when I've been that person - always taking the opposite side, always annoying.
Yes there's times when confronting is important, times when accountability or justice may lead to really difficult conversations, but as we come to expect, Proverbs is about the heart.
At the centre of this proverb is a quarrelsome person, this is a description of their character. This is their default place, their "go to".
I wonder what the writer of these proverbs would write about me?
My character?
Most of us are more complicated than one descriptor, but we do have these core things. As I've discovered, they can shift, can change, as nothing is beyond God's transforming Grace.
Who we were is not necessarily who we are, or who we are becoming.
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