Then God said,
"Let the earth produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds."
And it was so.
The earth produced vegetation: seed-bearing plants according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And
Genesis 1:11-12 CSB
Have you noticed how this song is written with "and God said" and then what happened.
It's like a song.
Or a dance.
A creative process.
If we can humanise God for a minute it's like he is imagining, creating something in his mind, not out of things that already are, but things that are not yet.
God is using his imagination.
When we do the same thing we're just following our Creator. It's in our DNA.
So create.
Make stuff.
Art, music, poetry, stories, buildings, cities, culture.
It's good.
God saw that what he had made, all the plants and trees and fruit and saw it was good. I wonder if God could "see" not just what was made in that moment, but all the potential built into what He made, he saw all that is, and all it can be.
And it was good.
Trees and vegetation and fruit are not commodities, but the goodness of God's creative action. Good in their own right.
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