God saw their actions - that they had turned from their evil ways - so God relented from the disaster he had threatened them with. And he did not do it.
Jonah was greatly displeased and became furious.
He prayed to the Lord, "Please, Lord, isn't this what I said while I was still in my own country? That's why I fled toward Tarshish in the first place.
I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger,
abounding in faithful love,
and one who relents from sending disaster. And now,
take my life from me,
for it is better for me to die than to live."
Jonah 3:10-4:3 CSB
What is up with Jonah?
Jonah wasn't running from God in Ch1 from fear, but because He is too compassionate?!?!
This story is not about the fish and the vomiting back up, but Jonah's response, what's going on in him.
He's really unhappy that the city has been saved, seemed to know God's character and that this is what would happen.
Well we don't know why.
But there will be a reason.
In our own hearts and minds things sometimes rise up, we respond in ways that catch us out. There will be a reason.
That same compassion that Jonah beautifully captures here is also directed at him.
And it's directed at us.
At me
At you
And at those deep inner hurts that sometimes surface.
This story tells us that our God knows our hearts, our hurts, and has such deep compassion for us.
For you.
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