Sunday Psalms:
why do you stand
so far away?
Why do you hide
in times of trouble?
In arrogance
the wicked
pursue their victims;
He waits in ambush near settlements;
he kills the innocent in secret places.
His eyes are on the lookout for the helpless;
Rise up,
Lord God!
Lift up your hand.
Do not forget the oppressed.
Psalms 10:1-2, 8, 12 CSB
This Psalm, this song, has got to be one of the toughest reads in the Bible. It puts on display the evil, the terrible destruction that people wreak in the lives of others. It opens the window to souls that seek only what they want.
And it gives voice to anyone who has cried out, wondered where God is, when He seems so far away.
This song gives voice to anyone who wants justice but it cannot be grasped.
And it gives voice to anyone who ever wanted God to just step in and fix evil, wrongness, injustice, hurt, sorrow, pain that others have inflicted.
This Psalm gives permission to cry out.
To call God to step in.
To call out to Him.
If you've ever wanted to do that, you're not alone.
There's no easy ending to this Psalm.
No easy answer.
The cross was not an easy answer, but it is where our hope is found in our God who stepped towards our suffering and bore it.
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