For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10 CSB
Easy to get caught up in the good works God has for us to do, and to skip over that "for we are His workmanship" part.
Have you ever made anything?
I can remember as a child making things out of clay. Maybe you've built something, knitted something, painted, written, or restored something. Put together a model, built a sandcastle at the beach, cleaned your car til it shone, sung a song... workmanship that you've held in your hands or in your mind, in your heart.
Do you know, can you recall what that's like?
Our God's heart is for you just like that.
We are his workmanship.
His beloved.
And we're held in His mind, in His heart.
Today, whatever is in front of you, rest in that.
You are God's beloved.
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