The one who boasts about a gift that does not exist is like clouds and wind without rain.
Proverbs 25:14 CSB
Promises about things that don't exist.
Promises about things there was never any intention of giving, never any intention of doing.
Making stuff up.
I don't know about anyone else's motivation to do that...just mine.
Because I want something that I don't have, don't deserve, can't get or pay for.
Because I want to be seen to be better, more important, more valuable.
Because power. Power is addictive.
Because my heart drifts away from God's call to love Him, and to love people.
Clouds and wind without rain...empty promises...counterfeit...
Let's not be those.
Rain brings nourishment, what is needed for flourishing, for life.
Let's be the water of life in this world, one small step, one small choice, one person, one act of grace, one word of truth at a time...
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