An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.
Proverbs 24:26 NIV
An honest answer is like a warm hug.
Proverbs 24:26 MSG
An honest answer is like my Mum's lamb roast...or that first coffee of the day...or your favourite ice cream, the warmth of an open fire...
A kiss on the lips in our culture is reserved for romantic relationships, but must've meant something different when this was written.
Putting aside the what it's like comparisons this proverb is reminding us that an honest answer is a good thing for both the person asking the question, and the person answering.
The Hebrew word translated as honest here is "nakaoch" which means straight, upright, get the picture...
Let's be straight with one another. It's good for both of us.
(OK there's going to be times when wisdom says it's better not to say everything, or maybe better to say nothing).
Being straightforward means that we both understand, there's no hidden meaning or hidden agendas.
As I sit with this proverb today it's so easy to think of someone else and how they don't live this out. It's not so easy for me to see this in me, to see where I'm not being straight up.
And that's what proverbs asks us to do...have a look at our own hearts...
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