At an earlier period in Israel, a man removed his sandal and gave it to the other party in order to make any matter legally binding concerning the right of redemption or the exchange of property. This was the method of legally binding a transaction in Israel.
So the redeemer removed his sandal and said to Boaz, "Buy back the property yourself."
Ruth 4:7-8 CSB
In Ch4 Boaz is again doing the right thing, following their tikanga, their practices, meeting at the city gate with the elders, doing the thing with the sandal.
Deut 25 gives the law. Ruth 4 shows an outworking of that law that honours the most vulnerable and gives them protection, hope and a future.
I wonder if the person giving up their sandal walked with one for a while, or kept that one by his door as a reminder of the commitment, the covenant that was made?
Having tangible reminders, symbols, is part of who we are as people. They help us to remember what is important. Wedding rings are a classic, & tattoos have taken on this role in our culture in recent years. Reminders of committments. Covenants.
All of which point us to Jesus, and the scars he carries, the reminder of the outworking of God's covenant of grace with us.
Our God who chose to limp in one sandal for us.
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