Complete your outdoor work and prepare your field;
after that, you may build your house.
Proverbs 24:27 BSB
Seems the picture here is a society where the person's livelihood is connected to their land. What happens if this person puts their time and energy and resources into building a house, and the harvest season rolls around?
The wisdom here indicates an order for doing things, an order that we just want to shortcut.
I want that qualification, want to be able to play the piano like that person, want to be able to run 10k, whatever it is, but the prep work?
The study time?
The practice?
Our "modern" society seems to be about faster, shortcuts, have it all, have it now.
Yet the most important things don't usually work like... relationships that last take intentional time together, knowing God is a lifelong journey...
As we sit with this proverb today, may we find goodness, encouragement, joy, in the "completing our outdoor work and preparing our fields"
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