Friday! Proverbs!
Death and life
are in the power
of the tongue,
And those
who love it
will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 NASB
Words have power.
They exclude or include,
love or hate
build up or tear down
wound or heal.
We know this because we've heard them from others.
We've also heard good words spoken with evil intent: eg
"This is what love is"
Our words are not independent of our heart intent...
The thing with words is that we get to choose every one that we say (or type, or write)
I've said words that speak life, and words that speak death...what words am I going to choose to speak today?
From here on.
And yes there is fruit from our words.
Good fruit or rotten fruit.
Nutritious, life-giving fruit, or empty, poisonous leading-towards-death fruit.
I get to choose my words today
"Lord, help me choose words that speak life today.
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