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Showing posts from July, 2019
Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. Mark 4:37-38 NLT This cushion has been bugging me. Why is it mentioned? Is it like an embroidered pillow? Is it the only pillow on the boat? Does Jesus just look cute or something? Or is it that Jesus is at complete rest in the storm. The only time (I think) that Jesus is really concerned about what's going on is in the garden of Gethsemane and he is contemplating that coming storm. When all the sin of mankind will be smashed into him. He'll face that storm so that we don't have to. But here, in the boat, with the storm raging and water coming in he's not worried at all. Go way back to Daniel Ch3 and the boys are facing a death sentence and they're confident that God can save them. "But even if He doesn't..." are their words. They had a confident hope. We have a living hope, who is OK with the storm no matter what, and wants us to be too. Even in the storm you can find...
High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water. Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. Mark 4:37-38 NLT We're in the mega-storm, the boat is under threat and Jesus is taking a nap. And what's with that detail "with his head on a cushion". Why did Mark include that? When we're in the mega-storm sometimes it feels like God is taking a nap with his head on a pillow... What would Jesus team be thinking? What are we doing here... are we gonna make it? Who's idea was this? Where is Jesus? And what would they be feeling? Failures? Disheartened? Angry? All of the above? Ever felt like that? When we're in the mega-storm and it's not going well it's easy to lose heart. Ultimately we know how the Big Story ends, but how will this one go? To who else should I turn? He has the words of eternal life. In Him I live, and move, and have my being. In Him, I have hope. I will stand on the F...
As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's cross to the other side of the lake." So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water. Mark 4:35-37 NLT Not only was the timing inconvenient. Not only was it going into the dark But Jesus led them into the storm. The Greek word here for how big the storm is "megas". It was a mega-storm. It's threatening to destroy the boat (their business asset) and threatening their lives. A mega-storm. They were in the dark, heading "to the other side" wherever that was, and now at risk of losing their lives. And Jesus had led them there. In all the drama and the noise and the immediate urgent challenges of staying afloat, in the dark, in the unknown, it would have been easy to forget Jesus call and instruction. And so do I. Trusting ...
As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's cross to the other side of the lake." So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). Mark 4:35-37 NLT I wonder what happened to the people in the other boats. Those who weren't called but went anyway. (There's probably a book in that..."Folly of Following without a Call") Jesus did call his disciples. At an inconvenient time. To go somewhere else. You couldn't book accommodation or even phone a friend, Jesus just said "let's go". Sometimes Jesus does that. Asks us to go, or brings someone into our lives when it feels really inconvenient. Couldn't that just wait? Til tomorrow? Until I finish my _____? Lord this goes against the grain for me, I like to plan, know where I'm going. The "other side" seems too vague for me. And it's getting dark. Are you sure the timing is right? Will I follow...
Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. In fact, in his public ministry he never taught without using parables; but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them. Mark 4:33-34 NLT Favourite movie quote? Shrek: "Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers." With Jesus there are layers. He met people where they were and taught in ways they could understand. And he meets us where we are. That's grace. He shrunk himself to become one of us, slowed down to our pace, and walked with us. And He does the same today. He calls us to walk with one another. That may mean slowing down. Meeting people where they are at...but remembering that people have layers. We have layers Jesus has layers And He wants us to peel back the layers and dig deeper into Him. Slow down Peel back the layers #layers #gospelofmark
Friday! Proverbs! A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle. Proverbs 18:19 ESV Ain't this the truth! People are SO unyielding when they get their nose out of joint (where did that saying come from?) I can't get through to them. So true. But It's me I'm like that. Easily offended by someone. And I'm always right. So my heart seems to say The classic is when I'm driving and someone else (never me) does something dumb. All I can see is the action as it affects me. I can't see their intention. Or know their heart. And usually, when I think about it, I've done a similar thing without any intent to disrupt... Ouch. This proverb is describing me. Are there times when we should be more unyielding than a strong city? How about when we do know the other person's intent? When their actions are repeated they know the harm or hurt they're causing. When someone else is affected. ...
Again he said, "What shall we say the kingdom of God is like... It is like a mustard seed...when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade." Mark 4:30-32 NIV The word translated "perch" here is "kataskenoo" which means to: Pitch one's tent To encamp To dwell It's something that you do. Set up camp Because this is where I want to stop This is where I want to stay In the shadow of the Mustard seed tree. There is shelter from the thoughts and feelings that can rage around in my heart, there is rest there, there is healing, nourishment, and peace there. A taste, a glimpse, of how it should be, a glimpse of the Kingdom that is to come... Choose to set up camp there. #gospelofmark #wordsofJesus #somethingtochewon
Again he said, "What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade." Mark 4:30-32 NIV Well I wish Jesus had explained this one for us! Is this in the world, is the tree the church? Is it inside, in the heart? Who plants the seed? Who are the birds? What are they sheltering from? Jesus listeners wanted political and physical revolution and power to be restored. A kingdom. But Jesus often said it's a heart thing, so let's start there. If our heart is like a garden, the seed, the seed of the kingdom, is small. So small it could be missed,  lost, trampled or discarded It doesn't take over by force, but is planted, and slowly grows, to be the most important plant in the garden. A tree. With big branches. A tre...
Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children... Ephesians 5:1-2IV Someone needs a reminder today that you are God's dearly loved child. Adopted into His family. To adopt is to choose. You've been chosen Nothing can separate you from His love Nothing Your place in the family of God is secure. You are safe And Dearly loved. Beloved Even if it doesn't feel like it (right now) doesn't mean it's not true. Just as children don't see or understand from a parents perspective neither do we always see or understand our Heavenly Father, or see from His perspective But we trust Trust anyway Hope anyway Love anyway Dearly loved Chosen Adopted Unable to be separated Safe Secure Maybe this is for you today, or maybe you need to pass this message to someone who needs it, rewrite it in your own words and let someone know that they are loved today :) #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
Monday! Back to the gym! What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? James 4:1 NIV This word "desires" means when satisfying our bodily desires comes at the expense of other things. When that pleasure becomes an end in itself. Ouch. The Greek word here is "hedone" where we get the word hedonistic from. What's on the list? Food? What I watch? I put my headphones on because what I want to listen to is way more important to me than talking with you... Where's the battle? Within. So where is the battle won? Within. What we think is important, what we value most. And it comes back to the most basic questions (not basic as in simple) of the Bible... Love and worship What or who do I love? What or who do I worship? James knows where the battle is. Within But it finds its expression on the outside. Today I choose to be in the battle. Within To love God First And let that find it...
Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy.  But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Mark 4:16-17 NIV We need to let the Word take root And Break the rock that our heart may have become. Mine can be as hard as granite in an instant. In a moment it can go from moderately kind and generous to as hard as granite. Instantly selfish. Ever experienced that? Maybe it's just me... What is it that wears away, breaks down the hardest of rocks? Water. Jesus is the Water of Life, the Living Water, who works away at my heart of rock, sometimes blasting with high pressure, and sometimes gently working away... and as my heart is softened the Word no longer bounces off, but sinks in, becomes part of who I am... #gospelofmark #wordsofJesus #wateroflife #sunday #worship #thisisourGod
Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy.  But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Mark 4:16-17 NIV There's two things working in tandem here... My heart of rock And no roots Taking root carries the meaning of having descendents...when God's truth takes root in my heart, and has descendents, children, things change I am a child of God. Let that sink in to your heart. What are it's descendents? My future is secure My hope is fixed My inheritance is safe I am loved I am chosen I am accepted I can never be lost Let those take root...and things will change...the rocks will start to break down, and when my circumstances are tough, when I'm getting a hard time for being a Christian, when I get bad news, when the storms if life come... When Those children of the truth that have taken root will still hold...and flourish...
Friday! Proverbs! To cast lots puts an end to quarrels And decides between powerful contenders. Proverbs 18:18 AMP What? Just end arguments by flipping a coin? Casting lots invites God into the decision. The first time this is done is Lev 16:8, and choosing which goat is sacrificed, and which goat is sent out into the desert. Roughly equal outcomes. Who are the powerful contenders? Individuals? Groups? Gangs? Churches? Nations? It seems that they're both powerful, roughly equal And quarrelling? This word for quarrelling here is only used about arguments between husband and wife - two powerful contenders! Let's try this: Two strong people having an argument. Let's flip a coin to resolve it. This makes me think about the problem and my fight in a new light. Is the outcome important? Am I going to submit to how the coin falls? If the outcome is equal, then why are we even arguing? If the outcome is really important, casting lots invites God in. What does ...
And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word... Mark 4:18-19 NASB Jesus adds to the worries and decietfulness of things outside us, this big, catch-all category of our heart desire. What I want. Other things. Right now what do I want that's getting in the way, choking the Word? I want to stay in bed I want to eat I want coffee But deeper, in my heart, right now, I want comfort. I want it easy Easy for me. And suddenly this category of "the desire for other things" is a tangible thing. So this morning I choose to lift my gaze, and to ask for grace to love those He brings into my life today, no matter if it's inconvenient, disruptive, or just not what I want. That's my prayer this morning. What's yours? #noreasontofear #burdenbearers #donotlosesightofGod #up...
...the deceitfulness of riches...enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19 NASB The deceitfulness of riches. Is this one that catches you? Maybe you're immune from this but there's a few ways this bites me... The first is thinking I'll be OK, happy, secure, sorted when I have $X Which then becomes $X+ There's the thinking from our culture that more is better. That success is measured in $, that giving is optional and from the bit left over after everything else... Then there's the cost side: if I follow Jesus there, it's going to cost me. Can't someone else pay? Why should I give up my stuff? My kingdom come My will be done It's the lie that "riches" can save me. The lie that those with "riches" are worth more to God. I know these things are not  true, but they're tough lies to shake, and to live in the upside down kingdom that Jesus calls us to, where only loving God, and loving  people, i...
And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19 NASB Three things here that Jesus says get in the way of the Word taking root in our hearts: -The worries of the world -The deceitfulness of riches -The desire for other things Some days for me it's all three! But often it's just one ... Which one is it for you at the moment? Is it that my worries, concerns, hassles, fears, pressures, appear to be bigger than the God of the universe? Are the worries of the world choking God off? The thing with thorns is they're prickly and difficult to cut back, but it can be done. We can look up. At the Big Story Who God is, how He works through history, what His purposes are...that helps me to get perspective. And talk. Share with someone you trust t...
And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. Janes 3:18 NASB Monday! Back to the gym! This is part of James' description of wise & understanding people is the call to be peace makers, manufacturers of peace. This is not just loving peace, enjoying peace, but manufacturing peace, actively working towards it. Construction. This is not easy work. Construction takes planning, sometimes involves experts, takes time, investment, work. Construction has an objective. The objective here is to plant seeds. Not responsible for the fruit, just the planting. Seeds who's fruit is righteousness, that's the outcome. Righteousness is about our relationship with God. That's what James is constructing peace right relationships with God are started or restored... Confession, restitution, justice, restoration... change... When it comes to our relationship with God, change is inevitable... #james #Godsgym #peacemakers...
For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart These, O God, You will not despise. Psalms 51:16-17 NKJV David, the writer of this song, had been confronted about his own actions, his sin. And in that could see more clearly who God is, and what God was about. Not the external practices. The heart. The inner person. The good things we might do, go to church, read our Bibles, serve, give...all good things...but our God wants our heart! Our inner self Not broken in a vindictive way, but seeing more clearly who God is, and who I am in relation to Him And that no amount of church going, or daily devotional reading or helping others or giving our money or time or anything else, good things that they are, is what our God is after. It's what we treasure most. Hold onto most tight. Our heart We know too, that in this battle for our hearts affection, ...
The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him Proverbs 18:17 ESV I sometimes state my case before God. Tell Him I'd do things differently, it would be better if He did things my way. In my time My kingdom come My will be done Our God is all about the heart...ultimately it's about what or who we worship. Who has authority. And quietly, gently, he examines my heart, searches my heart through the Word, the Spirit, the lives and input of others...through living with image bearers, worshipping together, my heart motivations are nudged, tempered, and sometimes cauterised... I state my case and it seems right. Until He comes and examines me, searches me ... #thisisourGod #worthyofourworship #gentle #restoring #kind
Friday! Proverbs! The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him. Proverbs 18:17 ESV A parenting favourite! Hearing one side of the story suddenly doesn't sound so convincing when you hear the other person... Pays to hear from everyone! But there's a bit more to this proverb than sorting out bickering siblings! There's no indication what the "case" is all about. Who is the mysterious "other" who gets to examine, to search, the one who has stated their case? And who is the "case", this dispute being brought to? Solomon as King perhaps? I have a problem with someone, and state my case before the King And the person on the other side gets to question me...and as that person examines what I've said, searches me, in the presence of the King, the truth becomes clearer. Interesting model of resolving conflict... What if my problem is with God. I state my case. My complaint. Who then is the m...
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. James 3:17 NASB The last word in this verse is "anupokritos" The meaning is: not a phony ("put on"), describing sincere behavior free from hidden agendas (selfish motives)  literally, "without hypocrisy" (unfeigned). All of us have know people who are phony, who have selfish hidden agendas. Who are hypocrites. And there's times, there's days, when those words describe me to... James says wisdom from heaven has none of that, and as we drink in that wisdom, soak our minds and hearts in heavens wisdom, there is less and less room for those things. As we keep looking towards and following Jesus, the One who was truly not phony, had no hidden agenda, had no hypocrisy, there was no mask His mission was to seek and save us His heart was love And he lived it out in the everyday, and in the big things....
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. James 3:17 NASB Unwavering. What a great word! In a world where everything is fluid, where everyone is supposed to be able to make their own meaning, our own truth, James just adds this to the mix about wisdom from heaven Unwavering. God is unwavering. He's the same all the way through, all through time...and if we can't get our minds around Him, Jesus is the full expression of God in a person. Unwavering. Unwavering in his mission Unwavering in love Love that took him to the cross. For me. Jesus didn't look at his circumstances for meaning, but to the Father, and that is what shaped his view of what was happening. Sometimes we need the unwavering in our lives, to lean on. And sometimes we need to be unwavering in the face of the hurt of others, and follow Jesus and step not away, but towards. #unwaveringlove
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17NIV Full of...good fruit! Interesting thing about fruit...most if it is of no value to the tree, but by design, fruit benefits and blesses others. If I'm full of good fruit then most of that has come from somewhere else...someone else... Here James is talking about the wisdom of heaven and that it's chock full of two things: Mercy And Good Fruit Nourishment, healing, energy, flavour, texture, aroma...these are the things that the wisdom of heaven brings into our lives, so that, we too may bear good fruit that brings all those good things into the lives of others... #wisdomofheaven #pure #peaceloving #undivided #gentlyyielding #fullupwithmercy #goodfruit #somethingtochewon
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17NIV Monday! Back to Gods gym! Today we're up to; "full of mercy" This verse is describing the wisdom that we are looking to access, and live out If I look back over the course of my life, I don't think that anyone could use those three words to describe me...yet...that is what James calls me to. A life full of mercy. We tend to follow the pattern of the world around us, our upbringing, our experiences, expectations of others, the noise of the prevailing culture. These things are subtle, and "normal". Until James says; "be full of mercy"!  Full. There's no room for other things when I'm full Mercy is an outward looking, others oriented, attitude of the heart that leads to action... Mercy Compassion How would I live if my heart was truly "full of mercy...
"Take care what you listen to..." Mark 4:24 NASB Here's John Piper's summary of Jesus parable of the farmer, the seed, and the soil... Soil 1: The word heard and the devil snatches. Soil 2: The word heard and suffering consumes. Soil 3: The word heard and riches choke. Soil 4: The word heard and roots go deep in the good heart. I always thought of this parable describing a one-off event, a one time transaction. But as I think about life there are times when I've experienced all of these, perhaps even in the same day! When I hear God's word, when I read, when I meet an image bearer of His, my heart, my willingness to listen, my desire to yield to God or to the desires of my heart, have a huge part in whether 1-3 apply, or 4. Lord, may today my heart be Soil 4. I want to be open to what you have to say to me, may my heart today be the place your living word flourishes Amen #gospelofmark #choose #itsaheartthing #soil4
A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before the great. Proverbs 18:16 ESV There's nothing that I could bring that would make room for me, that would bring me into the presence of the great, to the throne of God himself. He is holy Just What could I bring? I bring scars. Not my scars, but Jesus scars. They are the gift that opens the door to the presence of God. How did that happen? Because the Holy God, the Just One, is Love. And Love made a way. The scars of Jesus are the way. The only way. What a crazy, reckless, wonder full love this is! You and I are the object of that Great Love Love that is not earned (so it cannot be unearned), but given (the price has been paid) Rest in that today. No matter what today holds Rest Breathe #proverbs #somethingtochewon #upsidedownkingdome #thisisourGod #servantKing #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
Friday! Proverbs! A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before the great. Proverbs 18:16 ESV This is before Amazon, Alibaba, internet shopping, and the courier arriving with treasures from all over the world...when a visitor might bring something from his place that you simply cannot get at yours. Solomon does not appear to be making any kind of moral judgement about whether this is good or bad,  it just is. Maybe being a King slants your thinking. You bring a generous gift and you're worthy of my time. What could I possibly bring to Buckingham Palace that the Queen would make room for me? How do I get to see the King if I'm poor...if I have nothing? We have a King who left his palace, left the riches, the power, the honour, and came as a servant. He washed feet. He served He gave So that So that we might have Life! This King, our King, has already made room for us Made room for you. #proverbs #somethingtochewon #upsidedownkingdome #thisisourG...
Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop - some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown. Mark 4:20 NIV Jesus was teaching everyone - a huge crowd. Then he broke down his teaching further for his disciples, then again explained this parable... Jesus modelled patience and took time. Which is one of the things from this teaching for us today... Seed Soil Crop There is no instant crop. A nurse or a vet or engineer is not ready to work in their profession after 1 day of study. Or 1 week Or 1 year There's no 'fruit' for years. And it can be the same with  knowing God, with learning who He is, what He's about in the world, in my life... I struggle sometimes that God doesn't seem interested in my timeline. My priorities My agenda He's gently saying; a crop will come, there will be fruit, but there's other things going on that you may not see or even understand. Do you trust Me? I'm pati...
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17NIV "submissive"! If there's a word that sparks us up its this. The word here translated submissive is "eupeithes" and this is the only place this word is used in the Bible. It means I'm "well persuaded", already inclined  towards, ready to yield... When I drive towards traffic lights I know that they're there for good reasons so I'm ready to yield to the red signal. I'm already persuaded that stopping is good and right. So it is with the wisdom from heaven...James is writing to Christians everywhere, people who already know that Jesus is who he said he is, believe in his name, so are ready to yield to His call on our hearts. There's days when the last thing I want to do is yield to anything. The stop light. God's gentle nudge. James reminds us that...
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17NIV "considerate" "epieikese" This word is well...amazing. It's about being equitable and fair, gentle and yielding. It's about what is really at stake when it comes to justice. Not strict adherance to the letter of the law, but a gentle yielding to the spirit of the law. The intent. The heart. It's about purpose. The purpose of the law. So if God is good, His heart is for us, then the purpose and intent of His law is for our good. Our flourishing. Our thriving. And we miss it, we miss God's heart arguing about the letter, and miss the spirit. Yielding is not something I'm good at. I've got to fight myself to let someone in in traffic. Yet if I just gently yield to God's way, I'll find life! #Godsgym #wisdomofheaven #pure #peaceloving #undivided...
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17NIV Peace-loving "eirenikos" what pertains to peace, i.e. God's gift of wholeness which results from knowing (discerning) the Lords will and obeying it. Isn't that interesting that peace is about wholeness. Not being divided in your spirit, not being divided in what we know and what we do...I'm definitely not at peace when I'm doing something that goes against God's instruction for flourishing and thriving. Jesus was undivided Undivided in purpose, in living out God's will for him. In his humanity we saw Him struggle, wrestle with that, especially in the garden at Gethsemane. But what did Jesus do? Submitted himself to the will of the his Heavenly Father...and that is my goal today. #Godsgym #wisdomofheaven #pure #peaceloving #undivided