Friday! Proverbs!
A fool's mouth is his ruin, And his lips
are the snare
of his soul.
Proverbs18:7 AMP
Just when you want a nice uplifting Proverb we get this.
The news tells me this Proverb is true.
Personal experience tells me it's true.
I never think that my own words are a snare for my soul. That's harsh.
Sometimes it's the words I say out loud, about other people, things I think are funny or harmless.
Sometimes its the words inside my head, the thoughts that pop up and I allow them to fester there.
I give them space they don't deserve.
These words can be a snare for my soul.
The antidote?
Paul tells us to take our minds captive - kick the lies to the curb
Renew our minds - fill ourselves with Truth - who God is, and who I am.
And I can listen to the words I say out loud (Love is not rude) and change them (Love is kind).
If we can see a snare we can avoid it, and if we're caught, there is a way out
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