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Showing posts from November, 2016
Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.  When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared." Matthew 13:24-26 NIV When the seeds of the enemy are planted they look just like the good seed...not only is this cunning, it's subtle. In our lives what could these be? Words that have the sound of truth but aren't... How about the cult of being busy. The subtle message is that being busy is good - a badge of honour, a mark of success. Yet Jesus always had time for people. What are my priorities? I don't want to miss the good because I'm chasing the weeds planted by the enemy... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues #lovepeople
But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 Amp Not only is there no law against these things, there's no scorecard either. There's no performance standard that we can meet. These things just appear like fruit in the orchard as we give ourselves more and more to God, ask His Spirit to permeate our thinking and decision making. There's no comparing with this fruit...and no fear... And there's nothing to lose... #fruit #kingdomvalues #inthistogether
"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands and grasps it; he indeed bears fruit and yields, some a hundred times [as much as was sown], some sixty, and some thirty" Matthew 13:23 AMP Grasps it. When we really get it. Our roots are deep in the word, & the weeds that would choke us off are at least held in check...then there's fruit. 2 things: The amount of fruit is different for different people. We don't have to look the same as anyone else And the fruit is not described. So I'm going to guess it's the Fruit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self-control That's the outcome, the fruit, the harvest...not a scorecard of souls won, church's planted, people helped this week...not performance...but our heart & how God is gently transforming us on the inside... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues #fruit
The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God's word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. Matthew 13:22 NLT I'm no gardener & sometimes can't tell the weeds from the good plants...Jesus highlights a couple of weeds for us... This life will have its worries. There'll be stuff that keeps us up at night - but don't let that overwhelm our faith  And then there's the lure of wealth - we think it, or what it can buy us - will solve everything - & it becomes what we value more than the Kingdom. We all have some weeding to do & sometimes we need help to see what the weeds are & to pluck them out before they take over & ruin the garden... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues
But since they don't have deep roots, they don't last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God's word... Matthew 13:21 NLT Jesus is unpacking the parable of the farmer planting seeds - & in there is a quiet warning - problems or persecution will come, & having deep roots in God's word on that day, knowing what we believe, having a deep seated faith, on that day, will be critical. Don't wait for the storm to put our roots deep into God & his word. Do it when the sun is shining & the rain is gentle, so that in the storm we can stand... #faith #deeproots #wordsofJesus
Friday! Proverbs! Lazy people don't even cook the game they catch, but the diligent make use of everything they find. Proverbs 12:27 NLT We don't see the opportunities that are right in front of us, don't use wisely the resources at our disposal...buying fast food instead of learning to cook...complaining about gym fees but could walk to work for free... But what about our spiritual life? I listen to a sermon but don't take notes... don't read God's word for myself... in the tough times I just want God to fix it, take it away, heal...& right now...rather than ask Him to walk with me thru it...'cos that's where I learn about God, about me, about His purposes... with God is where the diligent make use of everything they find... #diligent #with #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen. Romans 1:25 NIV John Calvin in 1530 wrote "'s a perpetual factory of idols..." or as Tim Keller said when our heart takes the good things (love, career, business, things we own or want to own, even family) & make them the ultimate thing. The thing we think will give us significance, security, fulfillment if we could just attain them... It's so easily done...if only I had That - I'd be happy / content / safe / valuable... Paul says don't swap the living God for the things He's made or we've made. In Him we ARE significant, loved, & secure & it's Him we should choose to worship... #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #jesusatthecentre #loveGod #Romans #keepingitreal #encourageoneanother
At about that same time Jesus left the house and sat on the beach. In no time at all a crowd gathered along the shoreline, forcing him to get into a boat. Using the boat as a pulpit, he addressed his congregation, telling stories... Matthew 13:1-3 MSG A crowd arrived. Solitude over. Jesus always full of grace when people came to him in need...and then he uses what's in front of him, uses a boat to set up a temporary church. (Jesus could've been a kiwi! Use what you've got, get a solution!) And then used stories to connect... 1. Be prepared to meet people anywhere! 2. Don't wait (to build a church or wait til Sunday) do what you can to meet the heart needs of others 3. Communicate in ways people understand. Tell your's more impacting than you think... #lovepeople #grace
Achan replied, "It is true! I have sinned against the Lord , the God of Israel. This is what I have done: When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them..." Joshua 7:20-21 NIV Achan got caught up with the things of this world. For him it was clothing and money. And he paid for his disobedience with his life. I'm just like Achan. So easily enamoured with the shiny things of this world...the measures of success... Achan paid with his life, but Jesus paid for us with His. So we can stand with our wobbly faith and our hearts that so often let us down...but stand redeemed by a loving God who made a way, The Way, for us. How good is that! We don't live in fear of the law, of being good enough, it's not our cleanliness or our performance, but Jesus. #free #redeemed #redeemedforapurpose #nofear
At about that same time Jesus left the house and sat on the beach. In no time at all a crowd gathered along the shoreline... Matthew 13:1 MSG OK so Monday morning may not be the best time to talk about sitting on the beach...but...that's what Jesus did. Had some time out. Some time alone. Would've turned his phone off... watched the waves for a bit... This time people turned up (& Jesus full of grace made room for them, changed whatever he had planned to meet their need) but if Jesus took some time to sit on the beach then we do to. Maybe that's a few minutes in prayer, a quiet walk, some quiet and solitude that you can carve out in your day...maybe even in the midst of the noise. Maybe it's true re-creation. Real rest. (Without feeling guilty) May today you find a few moments to "sit on the beach" today. #peace #restforyoursoul #restoration
Someone told Jesus, Your mother and brothers are out here, wanting to speak with you. Jesus didnt respond directly, but said, Who do you think my mother and brothers are? He then stretched out his hand toward his disciples. Look closely. These are my mother and brothers...The person who obeys my heavenly Fathers will is my brother and sister and mother. Matthew 12:46-50 MSG My pastor is from Ireland. We've welcomed people into our lives from the Carribbean, Asia, Nth America, the pacific...& so many wonderful kiwi's who we never would have met if it wasn't for our shared faith...our family is so much more than just our relatives...the christian community should be the model of diversity & inclusion where we can learn from each others strengths, support each other in our weaknesses & get a taste of heaven... #thisisourGod #sunday #worship #lovepeople
"And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh...?" Jonah 4:11 NIV God's parting question to Jonah is a statement of God's love that echoes down the centuries...Jonah was too concerned about his own comfort and missed God's heart for people. All people. God saw beyond the lifestyle of Nineveh and the things they did and saw people He loved, people who needed a saviour. A way. Just as Jesus gave up the comfort of heaven, shrunk himself, humbled himself, gave himself up to become The Way for me...sometimes I'm just like Jonah & more concerned for my own comfort...and I lose sight of God's heart for people. All people. Lord today help me to see those around me as you do,  to love as you do. Help me to see that I'm part of your Big Story of restoration. Amen #lessonsfromJonah #lovepeople
Friday! Proverbs! The righteous man is a guide to his neighbour, But the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26 AMP Mmm on this journey we call life, we're asked to be a guide to those around us. Show the way Be a light to those around us... And there's a warning. There are those who would lead us astray, for their own gain or own be careful who you listen to, be careful who you chose as friends, partners... we're so easily led astray... If I'm gonna be a guide, I need to know the guidebook, understand where the journey is going...God's word, the person of Jesus, that's where our source of wisdom needs to be, then we can be that guide... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #inthistogether #whatsmysourceoftruth
But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things; Achan...took some of them... Joshua 7:1 NIV The sin of Achan annoyed God. A lot. The good thing for us is that our choices are covered by the work of Jesus on our behalf...but there are times when I'm just like Achan. Unfaithful in regard to the things that God has called me to... Patience Kindness Self control Not keeping a record of wrongs... The new "devoted things" that God calls us to...but my stuff gets in the way...pride, selfishness, poor choices... Lord today I'm grateful fir your grace. Help me today to live in a way that pleases you, help me to be faithful to what's important to you. To see people as you do, to love as you do. Amen. #forgiven #lovepeople #grace
But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. He prayed to the Lord... I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love... Jonah 4:1-2 NIV The repentence of the city annoyed Jonah He knew God's heart and character. Even though Jonah was angry with God he didn't forget what God was all about. Just like Jonah there are times when I'm angry at God. Or disappointed. Or just can't understand why He just doesn't intervene...why won't he fix...or heal... Just like Jonah I should pray. God still wants to hear from us even if we're angry. Just like Jonah I should remember God's heart. Gracious Compassionate Slow to anger Abounding in love And no matter what, choose to trust that great heart of love... #lessonsfromJonah #loveGod #faith #faithinthedark
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like... And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. Romans 1:21-23 NLT Isn't that the way...when things don't go my way, when disaster strikes, when my health fails, when buildings fall down, when our hearts are broken, we make up a god to blame. Or to fill that gap we look for a god we can manage and understand...we just make one up...or worship creation, work, wealth, education...but Paul warns us not to. Our God is bigger, more than we can imagine...& yet personal with a heart towards us. Don't shrink him to some counterfeit that has no mystery or real authority...but stick with the Glorious! #Romans #faith #hope #jesusatthecentre #onedayallwillbemadenew
Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven,  Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come,  Your will be done  On earth as it is in heaven...' MATTHEW 6:9-10 AMP At church last night this was our text. The greatness of who God is. Focussing on His Kingdom purposes...these are the notes I took... We need to know the big story... Embracing God's story allows us to let other stories go...wealth accumulation, your truth, self determination, scientific naturalism, consumer based world... The big story tells us where the world is heading Our God is BIG and Majestic! This is what allows us to worship. God's kingdom has come but it's not fully here yet... This morning what I thought was solid turned to jelly literally beneath my feet & this morning the words of Lauren Daigles song is in my mind..."I will trust in you" The Big Story God has in hand. In Him I continue to put my faith even when my world shakes... #nomatterwhat #faith #onedaya...
....And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. Philippians 4:7 Amp Pray. Pray with thanksgiving Pray often & specifically about what's really going your heart...& That Peace becomes yours. That peace that stands guard of our hearts and minds...what an interesting picture :) The words that hurt, the losses, the lies that we tell ourselves or allow others words to impact us..our hearts and minds need guarding from them. Peace guards us. Peace from God. As He whispers "I love you" "I have a place in my heart for you" "Nothing can separate us" #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #sunday #worship #thisisourGod 
Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God... Philippians 4:6-7 amp Nov 12, 2012 this was the first verseoftheday. So this is an annual re-visit 'cos I need to be reminded again of the antidote to worry & anxiety. Prayer. God wants to hear from us...& he wants us to drill down with Him to whats really going on...beneath the surface issues to those big questions at our am I good enough?, can I trust God? And He whispers to us... I love you. Just because I do. Not for your appearance, ability or performance...I love you. Nothing can separate us. Our circumstances may not change, but our perspective does 'cos we're His kids. No matter what. #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #verse7tomorrow
Friday! Proverbs! Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good (encouraging) word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25 Amp In today's NZ Herald is a story about NZers & their battles to overcome addiction: "Someone showing they care about a person is most often a catalyst for users getting help..." Someone showing they care. An encouraging word. We can all do that... What weighs us down, keeps us up at night, worries & anxieties...they're all different, but words can bring help & healing. Restoration. Jesus is the Word. The ultimate hope and restoration...but today, you & I are able to be Jesus in someone's life, to speak a word of courage, of hope & of restoration. Just do it. You can :) #Jesuspolitics #lovepeople #beanencourager #speaklife
And whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. MATTHEW 5:41 AMP With all the noise around the US election, the Bible does have quite a bit to say about the earth's rulers and powers...& what Jesus has to say here is a favourite... Rome ruled the world in Jesus day. More powerful than the US today, & it had some interesting leaders too! A Roman soldier had the right to compel a civilian to carry his gear for a mile. Jesus said carry it for 2. Jesus response to the tyranny oppression and corruption of the Roman authorities was not a call to overthrow it or change it, but to love them into His Kingdom. He gave up His power to come in humility, in peace, & in love. It's those Kingdom values I don't want to lose sight of, to live by & to live out, no matter who is in charge of the country or the powers of this world. Jesus politics. To love. #wordsofJesus #love #kingdomvalues #gotheextramile
A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. Matthew 12:35 NLT The treasury of the heart. What am I storing up? What am I hanging on to? What's in the Treasury? What deposits am I making? Investments? If I'm hanging on to resentment, gripping to past hurts, holding on to anger...then that's all going in the Treasury. Maybe right now is the time to turf those things out. Start again with God's word, his truth...hide that in your heart. Treasure like your status as a dearly loved child of God. Treasure that your future is secure That we're part of God's big story of restoration and have a part to play in that...that God wrote himself into the story because He loves. Us. #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #treasure
Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: "Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you" Jonah 3:1-2 NLT The city. Sometimes we just want to get away from cities...withdraw...get somewhere peaceful... But God says the city is important. Yes there's challenges & difficulties...but there's also energy & creativity... But most of all, there's people. People who matter to God. And if they matter to God they should matter to us too... God called Jonah to the city. Maybe you already live in one...that's a mission field right there...a place to live out our faith with all the challenges of the city, as well as the opportunities... #lessonsfromJonah #lovepeople #somethingtochewon
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Romans 1:20 NLT If you look around, dig beneath the surface, look at  the created order with an open will point you to the Creator. If we just contemplate on what's been made...even the system that allows us to read these words...the it works...God's handiwork is everywhere to be seen and points us back to Him His divine nature is revealed in creation. Truth Justice Light Love These things are there to be seen...if we'd just look... #Romans #loveGod #lovepeople #truth
Jonah entered the city, went one days walk and preached, "In forty days Nineveh will be smashed" The people of Nineveh listened, and trusted God... Jonah 3:3-5 MSG Smashed. Love the MSG! The people (toughest, most bloodthirsty group in the world!) listened & trusted God! Jonah didn't know that there had been famines and uprisings in the city and the people were ready to hear God's call Jonah didn't know what else was going on in the background He just did what God asked of him. When God prompts us to act, to reach out, to encourage, to go...we need to follow His call 'cos we don't know what else is going on in other peoples lives, how God is working in the background...we don't know about Jonah's age, education, health or wealth...just that God called...& He calls us... Who is He prompting you and me to reach out to today? Will I dare to ask Him? #lessonsfromJonah #listen #lovepeople
Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: " Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you" Jonah 3:1-2 NLT It's easy to diss Jonah for running. But he was asked to go to the most hostile people on earth (think ISIS) & tell them they're wrong and it's time to love Jesus (by the way walk 1000km to get there) Not sure I'd be that keen. If you were God and had your choice of prophets for this important project, you'd choose the best. Someone you knew could do this. Even if they didn't. Is God calling you somewhere hard? Are you facing a Nineveh sized challenge? We've all got stuff that God has for us that we'd rather not do...rather run from. Whatever that is for you today, take God's hand and head towards it... #with #nofear #lessonsfromJonah
Friday! Proverbs! The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. Proverbs 12:22 NLT Sometimes Proverbs just makes me squirm...of course I don't tell lies...or do I? Do I tweak a story to make me look I economical with the truth, don't tell the whole story, & justify it because no one is hurt... Or how about just putting on a front when really I'm hurting and won't talk to anyone... Am I really honest to me about me? The hidden sins, the fears... God delight in the truth because He is the truth and when we tell it, we're reflecting Him. When we replace that tape in our head of whatever lies hold us back and replace it with the truth that we're dearly loved children of God...He loves that. 'Cos he loves. Us. #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." Romans 1:17 NLT It's so tempting to think that good people are OK with God  It's tempting to think that my standing with God improves when I'm good. But no. Paul is clear it's faith from start to finish that makes us right with's not my performance, my goodness, but faith in the good news of Jesus. So we can live without fear that God is judging our performance, we can live without fear of losing our right standing before God because we're not good enough...because we gained it thru faith. Alone. Society's measures of wealth fame beauty strength health ability gender ethnicity age...they don't make any's faith. Alone. #Romans #faith #nofear #inthistogether
Then God spoke to the fish, and it vomited up Jonah on the seashore. Jonah 2:10 MSG We want to work on our terms. We like (to think we're) in control But life isn't like that...there's an accident...a diagnosis...a failure... Things we thought were solid suddenly aren't Life can be messy It was pretty messy for Jonah...puked up on some unknown beach somewhere... But. From inside the whale he'd recommited to the adventure with God. In all of this I'm gonna trust God. In what looks like a place of complete darkness and failure I'm gonna trust God - trust Him in the dark - & prepared to go with Him wherever that adventure takes me #trustGodinthedark #adventure #faith #lessonsfromJonah #lifeisanadventure
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes... Romans 1:16 NIV Everyone Everyone who believes The gospel is for everyone,  & we are it's hands and feet in the world. We are it's megaphone, it's representatives, it's billboard, it's TV ad, marketing strategy, website, blog...and face. We are. To everyone. None are too far gone to believe and be welcomed into the Kingdom by grace. Sometimes we just need to care enough... #ouch #lovepeople #lostpeoplematter #grace #speaklife