You were running the race so well.
Who has held you back from following the truth?
It certainly isn't God, for he is the one who called you to freedom.
Galatians 5:7-8 NLT
Ever been running, walking, moving in a direction and someone holds you back?
Grabs your shirt.
Gets in the way.
Sends you in the wrong direction, down the wrong path, slows you down...
In a race that's just illegal, against the rules, there'd be a disqualification.
But in this life there's a lot of freedom, and Paul is warning that there are people who will exercise their freedom against you. To hold you back, steer you away from God's Truth, from Freedom.
In our world these are often "the shoulds".
The shoulds come from outside, social media, peers, friends, pastors, parents, family...and inside voices...and mostly the shoulds are good things, and sometimes they're conspiring to steal our shalom, hold us back from the freedom we have in Jesus.
To express faith in Love.
Love for God.
Love for people.
What is it that's holding you and I back from following the Truth today?
What do we need to shake off?
Step around?
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