Wisdom will save you from evil people, from those whose words are twisted.
These men turn from the right way to walk down dark paths.
Proverbs 2:12-13 NLT
We sometimes hear this story that hurt people hurt people, and I know that people's lives and motivations are complex, but Proverbs cuts through this where someone's words have power over us in some way, they are choosing their path.
At some point in their journey they've chosen that wrong is right, that what is not OK is OK for them, and they've stayed on that path.
With intention.
And Wisdom helps us see that.
We often need the Wisdom of community to help us see that.
We need one another to help keep the vulnerable safe.
We need God's heart revealed in His Word and by His Spirit to guide us, to help us see.
And we too get to choose the path that we stay on, and it's OK to ask for help to shift if that is what we need to do.
Proverbs says that Wisdom is available to us. We get to choose to step towards Wisdom, to apply Wisdom, to embrace Wisdom.
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