Sunday Psalms:
Psalms 119:16-19 NLT
Be good to your servant, that I may live and obey your word.
Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.
I am only a foreigner in the land.
Don't hide your commands from me!
Psalms 119:16-19 NLT
Part 3 of 22 of Psalm 119...and I'm wondering how often I come to God's Word, to church, to meet with an image bearer of God with the psalmist request:
"Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions"
Open my eyes to see.
Open my eyes to see.
The psalmist places himself as a foreigner in an unfamiliar culture, land, language, environment, place.
Like being in another country.
In that unfamiliar place there's more to see, there's hidden things here as a foreigner that I don't quite get, as a traveller I see or hear but don't yet understand.
Open my eyes to see.
Open my eyes to see.
Maybe we can accept the invitation offered here to ask for our eyes to be opened in some place, in some way, today.
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