My dear friends, since we have these promises, let's cleanse ourselves from anything that contaminates our body or spirit so that we make our holiness complete in the fear of God.
2 Corinthians 7:1CEB
Don't know if Paul wrote this in the spring, or if spring cleaning was even a thing then, but that's the picture that comes to mind...maybe it's time to have a clean out, a clear out, a fresh start with some aspect of life.
Maybe it's what we're eating or drinking or taking into our body in some way that needs a change.
Maybe it's what we're watching, reading, places or people we're spending time that needs a change.
Maybe it's a habit that's not helpful.
Maybe it's an attitude that's not helpful.
Maybe it's a thought that needs to stop.
Maybe it's time to spring clean.
For each of us it will be something different that comes to mind, but whatever it is, our Heavenly Father is Grace and Love, and any spring cleaning happens with those two ingredients:
Spring cleaning is not an order, a requirement, a list of 'shoulds' or 'do nots', it is an act of Grace and of Love.
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