Mary Magdalene left and announced to the disciples,
"I've seen the Lord."
Then she told them what he said to her.
John 20:18 CEB
Jesus could've let the world know any way he wanted that he was indeed fully alive, that what he promised had happened, that he was who he said he was and that a new era of life had started.
He could've turned up in Church, to crowds, to those in power, even to the 11 disciples.
But he didn't.
He was OK with being mistaken for the gardener in the cemetery, to meet with a person who had no standing, who's word in law had no weight.
Jesus' upsidedown kingdom was launched in the quiet dawn of a cemetery by the least likely to be believed person who got to speak the first gospel message.
It was Mary who said "I've seen the Lord".
If you ever feel like you're the least likely person, have been crying recently, maybe even spending time in the cemetery, mourning, in grief, Jesus is right there, speaking your name.
The dawn of hope that one day all will be made new, that justice will flow, that every tear will be wiped away, that dawn, arrived.
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