I'm so happy that Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus have arrived; they've made up for my missing you. Indeed they've provided my spirit and yours with a much-needed rest. Therefore, give them proper recognition.
1 Corinthians 16:17-18 CEB
Who are these people?
We know that Stephanus' household were among the first to become Christ followers and have committed to serving others (see v 15).
And we know that they've turned up to wherever Paul is writing this letter from.
And it's clear that they're a real boost to Paul's mood.
Ordinary people just turning up.
Most of us aren't going to be like Paul, but we can all be like Stephanas, Fortunatus, & Achaicus, and turn up, be an encouragement, everybody needs that sometimes.
Perhaps today as we ponder who these people were, what their lives were like, how many others just like them are tucked away behind the Bible's stories and never get a mention, the ordinary, who comes to mind that you need to turn up and encourage?
Maybe as easy as sending a message today...
I'm looking forward to meeting Stephanas, Fortunatus, & Achaicus & hearing their stories...
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