"Happy are people who are hopeless, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs."
Matthew 5:3 CEB
Hang on a sec - isn't the Bible all about hope?
You may be more familiar with this version of what Jesus says:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs."
Matthew 5:3 CSB
This word for poor is "ptoxos" which means to crouch like a beggar, to be bent over, deeply destitute.
When we realise just how destitute we are in our own righteousness before God, that's when we actually get to inherit the kingdom.
When I realise that my cause is hopeless without the one who is speaking, without Jesus, that's the path to happiness.
When I go "all in" with Grace, that's the path to happiness.
What an upsidedown kingdom we're part of, and Jesus invites us further into.
It's hard to capture though isn't it?
It's humility, being humble, but it can't be a "look at me I'm being humble"!
It's a heart thing.
A heart thing between you and Jesus.
Between me and Jesus.
When I'm hopeless with Jesus, when I'm destitute before Grace, is when I'm actually the most secure, the most richest, the most everything I could possibly be.
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