Later, Jesus appeared again to the disciples beside the Sea of Galilee. This is how it happened. Several of the disciples were there - Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples.
Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing."
"We'll come, too," they all said.
So they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night.
John 21:1-3 NLT
Simon Peter was a fisherman.
The whole team have been walking with, listening to Jesus for 3 years. They've been part of miracles, crowds, walking with Jesus as he's welcomed into the city like a king.
Jesus has been crucified, and the resurrection has happened, they have the Holy Spirit, they've seen and met with the resurrected Jesus, and yet this account seems to imply that they didn't have much going on.
Their Rabbi, their teacher who as disciples you followed everywhere had come back from the dead but now seemed a bit elusive.
Things seemed very flat.
So they did something ordinary.
Something familiar.
Peter was a fisherman, and said I'm going fishing.
And they all went.
Sometimes after all the drama, the ordinary is OK.
Grounding ourselves in the everyday stuff of life is OK.
Perhaps not even being sure of exactly what is next is OK, doing what we can, doing the next good thing, is OK.
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