"Friends," Jesus called to them, "you don't have any fish, do you?"
"No," they answered.
"Cast the net on the right side of the boat," he told them, "and you'll find some."
So they did, and they were unable to haul it in because of the large number of fish.
John 21:5-6 CSB
These guys didn't launch a great fishing business off the back of that catch ('Rightside Fishing Ltd') or go on to be prosperous as a result. They all died for their faith.
These guys didn't even know it was Jesus giving them fishing suggestions.
'We've been out working all night for nothing, and when we're almost back on shore this guy on the beach suggests the right side like there's something we're missing...and now we have this massive catch!
How did he know?
Who is this guy?
Who is this voice from the beach?
Who is this guy?'
John's gospel was about signs that point to Jesus and this was a really personal one for the team on the boat that day. As they went on to face opposition and their own death, they would be able to look back on this day and know that the guy on the beach has them in his hand.
It's not about the fish.
It's about who they point us to.
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