Don't fret because of evildoers;
don't envy the wicked.
For evil people have no future;
the light of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Proverbs 24:19-20 NLT
Last week's proverb (24:17-18) includes the idea that His anger is towards those who are against you, and this goes a step further: evil people will have their light snuffed out. Not sure what that means but the picture of intervention by Yahweh to put out a lamp or a candle isn't a place I'd like to be.
Have you ever put out a candle with your fingers?
This proverb is real about the world we live in. There are evil people who seem to get away with what they do, not only that but they seem to prosper.
And in this Proverb is a call to how we should respond:
Don't be anxious. Don't fret.
Don't envy what they have, how they live.
If doing that was easy we wouldn't need this proverb. There's a wrong going on when evil people don't get justice, when they seem to be thriving (and those they have hurt or affected are paying the price, struggling with the weight).
This Proverb lets us know that our God sees through it, and has your back. We can work for and advocate for justice for ourselves and others, but this is where the courage not to be anxious, the wisdom not to be envious comes from, trusting that our God sees, and He will somehow bring justice.
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