Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope:
1 Timothy 1:1 CSB
I don't write a lot of letters, but they usually start with "Hi", "Hello", "Happy birthday" or "Kia ora".
When we meet people we try to place them in some way, ask where they're from, what they do. Or we place them or ourselves by our whakapapa, the places and people who are part of our story.
And that's what Paul does in 19 words.
"No matter what else you may have heard about me, this is the important stuff:
God's called me.
I'm doing his work.
Jesus is my boss.
And my hope."
What jumps out at you from Paul's placement statement?
For me it's "Christ Jesus my hope".
Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, had a miraculous healing, completely turned his life around, been through life threatening situations, been hurt and abused, planted churches, wrote half the Bible (Ok maybe not half but a lot), and yet there is this more to come, future looking, Jesus is the returning, more to this life, all will be made new hope that he has.
It's all wrapped up in Jesus.
Not his strengths or accomplishments or power, but in Jesus.
Our living hope that today we can all claim, all share in.
Christ Jesus our hope.
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