Don't agree to guarantee another person's debt or put up security for someone else.
If you can't pay it, even your bed will be snatched from under you.
Proverbs 22:26-27 NLT
Some feedback on this proverb yesterday included other areas where we take on responsibility, or the debt of others.
That might be someone else's emotional debt, trying to rescue them from their feelings and what's going on for them by taking it on myself.
And then there's parenting where we don't want to see our children hurt or fail so we take on all the responsibility for them (while at the same time knowing that failure isn't fatal and some of our own most important growth happened in those times).
In Mark 10:17 Jesus meets a young man who has a question for him. Shortly after this meeting Jesus is going to go to the cross to take on all this man's debt, take full responsibility for his sin into himself, yet in this account, Jesus in his humanity let's the young man leave disappointed. Jesus wasn't taking on in that moment something that wasn't his to carry.
Maybe there's something to chew on today ...
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