"If I am not doing my Father's works, don't believe me.
But if I am doing them and you don't believe me, believe the works.
This way you will know and understand that the Father is in me and I in the Father.
John 10:37-38 CSB
Jesus isn't interested in some intellectual argument, he's saying look at my life.
Take your blinkers off and look at my life.
Put your biases aside and look at my life.
Put your agenda aside and look at my life.
As we do that today, we see Jesus who is moved with compassion, who acts, steps in, steps towards, brings healing and hope.
He's the same today, and calls us to simply follow him.
Be moved with compassion.
Take action.
Step in, step towards, bring healing and hope.
May our lives tell the gospel, so that when the world, the culture, those around us want an answer, it's not our words but our life that tells the story.
Yes we mess it up, get it wrong, don't paint the accurate picture that Jesus does, but it's about direction...small steps in the right direction.
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