Don't move an ancient boundary marker that your ancestors set up.
Proverbs 22:28 CSB
Sure. No problem.
In our modern age of surveyors and land titles what does this proverb matter?
Deuteronomy 19:14 says that the ancient boundaries were put there by God, and 27:17 pronounces a curse on anyone who moves them. God's view of land was something more important than a commodity to be carved up and bought and sold, that His intentions for His people are connected to the land. Connected to a sense of place and belonging.
What relevance in our modern world though is this instruction?
If I move a boundary marker it's not likely I'm doing it to make my land smaller, but to make mine bigger.
A land boundary marker affects not just me, but my neighbour, when my land gets bigger, my neighbours gets smaller, so implied here is this is me being sneaky and gaining something at my neighbours expense, taking something I have no right to. Perhaps moving the boundary little by little so they don't even realise what has been stolen, or under the cover of darkness.
And suddenly this proverb is relevant to my world. God's put ancient boundaries in place to protect me and to protect you.
Perhaps it is more than being about an ancient people, their land, and God's provision for them.
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