Your path
led through the sea,
your way
through the mighty waters,
though your footprints were not seen.
Psalms 77:19 NIV
This Psalm takes us on a journey with a person filled with sorrow.
The person's perspective is changed when they choose to remember who God is and what He has done.
To remember that He is the Redeemer, that He has not changed, and as a result, will know that they are not rejected, unloved or forgotten, but accepted, loved, and known.
The end of this Psalm is all about remembering what God has done and points back to the community crossing the Red Sea and the destruction of the enemy.
And then these words:
"but your footprints were not seen"
Sometimes I just want footprints to follow. Obvious, unmissable, unmistakable.
But God chooses to reveal Himself in small.
A man walking the ancient paths of country ruled by another.
By a person born in a barn because the hotels were full.
His way requires faith. Faith when nothing makes sense. When there seem to be no footprints to follow.
No sign.
But He is there.
He is at work.
We just can't see His footprints.
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