Peter answered him,
"You are the Christ"
And he strictly charged them to tell no one about him. And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things rejected killed,
and after three days
rise again.
Mark 8:29-31 ESV
Peter had the right answer, but did not have a complete understanding of what that answer meant.
You don't understand yet how salvation is going to come to people...
It's not what you expect.
It's not what you want to happen.
There's an old Johnny Cash song with a line
"if I had his money
I'd do things my way"
What do we want Jesus to fix?
I've got a list.
Jesus told Peter to just hold your horses, as you don't get it yet. My kingdom is not coming in power.
But in suffering
In rejection.
In death.
And in resurrection.
The Peter we find in Acts learned what Jesus started teaching here.
Just like Peter I need a reminder that its not the systems of this world that will save, but the upsidedown kingdom of our suffering,
and risen,
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