Jesus sent him home, saying,
"Dont even go into the village."
Mark 8:26 NIV
Thanks Mark. Couldn't you have told us why Jesus said that?
Was Jesus just tired and need some space?
Sometimes that's what we need too. The world just gets too noisy and it's OK to pull back a bit. Jesus regularly took off on his own to pray.
Did Jesus not want to make a big deal of the healing?
Perhaps he was concerned that people were missing his mission by focussing on the signs and wonders. I can miss Jesus in the hype of church sometimes.
Or maybe Jesus knew something about the blind man. Remember he walked him out of the village to the quiet.
Maybe Jesus knew there were toxic people in the village, or that the best thing for the now-seeing man that day was to go home, to breathe, to rest in what Jesus had done, to understand who had been at work.
What do you think?
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