Friday! Proverbs!
Slothfulness casts
into a deep sleep,
and an idle person
will suffer hunger.
Proverbs 19:15 ESV
Well this is fun. Not!
This proverb has been used as a bit of a weapon to get people to work, but there's a couple of interesting things here:
The word translated "idle" here is most often translated as treacherous or deceitful.
What is it that the deceitful go hungry for?
And what's with this "deep sleep"?
"figurative for insensitivity of spirit"
Seems that this proverb is not so much about the externals and the physical, but the heart.
Not sure if laziness of the heart is a thing but when I don't care about the things God does, his creation, people, that laziness inside makes me selfish and do what's good for me regardless of who gets hurt. Treacherous.
Jesus comes with bread that satisfies that soul hunger. He is that bread.
Broken for us.
It's Jesus who wakes us to the world as He made it, as He sees it, and it's Jesus who wakes us to our need for grace.
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