"This is my commandment,
that you
love one another
as I have loved you. Greater love
has no one
than this,
that someone
lay down his life
for his friends.
John 15:12-13 ESV
Beautiful words that encourage us in how we are to (try) and live in this world.
Today though, focus in on 5 words:
"as I have loved you"
You and I are the object of Jesus love.
You are the loved one.
The one he laid his life down for.
Rest in that today.
Step forward in that today!
At LifeGroup last night the question was asked "if you could be anyone for a day who would you be?"
Just for a day.
A few famous people's names popped out, then someone said "someone who lives in real poverty".
Suddenly the perspective changed.
Jesus didn't just step out of the heaven for a day, but became one of us, took on all our stuff.
He left heaven for our poverty, not just to experience it, but to absorb it!
"as I have loved you"
I can't be good enough to deserve this love.
I can't earn it.
But I am the object of it.
Rest in that redemptive, all encompassing love today...the love that brought Jesus from there to here, to become the way for us.
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