Late that night, the disciples were in their boat in the middle of the lake, and Jesus was alone on land.
He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves...
Mark 6:47-48 NLT
We spent a lot of time last year on this passage so won't repeat all that, but the storms of life do hit again and again right?
Remember how the disciples day started?
Tired and hungry they set out across the lake to get some peace and quiet.
The people guessed where they were going and 10,000 people were ministered to then everyone was miraculously fed.
Then Jesus sent them back across the lake.
And now they're in serious trouble.
In the middle of the lake
In the middle of the storm
In the middle of the night.
Ever felt like that?
And where is Jesus when you need him?
All you can hear is the storm
All you can feel is the rain
All you can see is the darkness
And in that, Jesus sees them.
Alone on the land, he sees.
He sees us.
I know Jesus is good and his heart is full of compassion
I don't know why he just doesn't pluck us out of the storm.
But I do know he sees us.
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