I am writing to Timothy, my true son in the faith. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.
1 Timothy 1:2 NLT
Paul sets a bit of an example here of nurturing others, supporting others in their faith journey.
He's not doing that up front, to thousands, hundreds, or even a dozen people.
Just one at a time.
Small is OK.
One person is OK.
The second example of Paul's for us is how he sees Timothy - as a person he wants God the Father, and Jesus, to give grace, mercy, and peace.
This word for peace is "eirene", which means whole, wholeness, peace of mind, quietness.
Aren't these the things we need? To be able to quiet our minds as the clamour of this world strives to fill every nook and cranny of our mind.
This is Paul's blessing to Timothy, maybe you need this today too:
May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace,
and peace.
Is there someone who needs to hear this from you today?
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