Whenever you pray...
But when you pray...
When you pray...
Matthew 6:5-7 CSB
Jesus theme of doing things on the down low continues. That he's not that keen on things, even good religious things like prayer, being done out loud so that others can see.
It's a heart thing.
And three times he starts with the assumption that we are and do pray.
When you pray.
When you pray.
When you pray.
And I'm wondering now how often I do pray?
How much of my daily habits and practices is prayer?
Prayer is a relational act with a personal God, so form, how we pray and the words we use are not important - its the relational bit that's important - think a small child communicating something about their day, struggling to find words, but wanting to tell you because they want you to know.
It's not the words that matter, not the stumbling or the stuttering or the repeating, none of that matters does it...because it's a person wanting to communicate with another person.
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