As a face
is reflected in water,
so the heart
reflects the real person.
Proverbs 27:19 NLT
Mmm this is it about what is seen, or who is doing the looking?
When you see a face reflected in water whose face is it?
I think when I see a face reflected it's usually mine. I'm doing the looking.
This proverb is inviting us into some self reflection, to do what I don't do very often, which is to consider what's going on in my heart, in the "leb", the inner person.
Will you make some time today to look?
(Often when we think about ourselves we can be overwhelmed with judgements about ourselves - let's just put those down today)
Quiet introspection is something our world seems to conspire against...some find it easier when they step into God's creation, maybe that would be helpful...could you do that today?
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