Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they
will be called
children of God.
Matthew 5:9 NIV
Do you find it easy to be the opposite to being a peacemaker?
I do.
It's easier to cause strife.
It's easier to stir up trouble.
It's easier to take the opposite side (sometimes just to be annoying).
It's easier to look for the negative, focus on differences.
But Jesus says your blessed of you're a peacemaker.
When you are part of the solution, when you value peace.
The first place I go with peacemaking is when two people are in conflict and the one who brings peace between others is blessed.
But what if I'm the one in conflict? I'm one half? Then this call of Jesus is to do what I can to bring peace.
I wonder though if Jesus wants us to consider the things inside us that are the opposite of peace;
Anxiety, worry.
The peacemaker has to go behind those things to make peace in our hearts and minds.
Making peace in there, now that's a mission.
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