Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him.
Proverbs 22:15 NKJV
Foolishness is compared in Proverbs to Wisdom.
What we, as a community want, is for wisdom to be bound up in the hearts of our children.
(This doesn't seem to be written to parents. Do you see it as a proverb just for parents?)
Our target is the heart, and replacing foolishness with wisdom in our young people.
So what is the "rod of correction"?
The word for "rod" is the same one used in Psalm 23 when we're in the valley of the shadow.
And the word for correction also carries the meaning of instruction.
God's rod that brings comfort in the valley is not something to be feared, and here it brings instruction and correction to the heart, replacing foolishness with wisdom.
It's not a stick, belt, jug cord, fist, foot or hand.
What fits?
God's Word.
But for young people, children, they need to see concepts lived out.
God's Word lived out in front of them by the adults in the community.
Being patient, kind, humble, sacrificial, serving, foot-washing, gracious, truth filled, just, merciful people in front of them, with them, maybe that's what this proverb is about.
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