Jesus told them,
My time has not yet arrived, but your time is always at hand.
The world cannot hate you, but it does hate me because I testify about it - that its works are evil..."
John 7:6-9 CSB
Why was Jesus hated?
Because he spoke the truth about the evil that he saw.
He spoke the truth.
Let the light in.
Sometimes Jesus spoke directly against what people were doing, and exposed the evil in their hearts.
Sometimes Jesus spoke the Truth and let it sit with people.
And sometimes his testimony was simply who he was, and his own walk in the will of the Father.
(He also had this thing that we can't emulate which was to be the fulfillment of Scripture, to be Truth)
Exposing truth, speaking truth, and walking in a way, living in a way that follows Jesus may well lead to us being hated, being "loved less".
It may mean choosing not to go some places, not to do some things, because that is not walking in a way that honours Jesus call on my life.
Sometimes we have to stand against the evil that has been done, that is being done in this world, to stand for truth, stand for others.
Jesus paid a very human price because of the Truth he spoke, who he was with, what he stood for, & in that his motivation was always love.
As followers of Jesus, that may be a price we need to be prepared to pay too.
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